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Select publication highlights

  1. AD Sinnott, A Kelly, C Gabbett, J Munuera, L Doolan, M Möbius, S Ippolito, P Samorì, JN Coleman, G.L.W. Cross, Mechanical Properties of Conducting Printed Nanosheet Network Thin Films Under Uniaxial Compression, Advanced Materials 36 (9), 2306954 (2023)

  2. O Brazil, HÖ Özer, B Watts, JB Pethica, GLW Cross, Densification of a polymer glass under high-pressure shear flow, Physical Review B, 106, L060103 (2022)
  3. J. Annett, G.L.W Cross, Gaphene ribbons by spontaneous self-tearing and peeling from a substrate, Nature 535, 271-275, (2016).

  4. McManamon, C., de Silva, J., Delaney, P., Morris, M. A., Cross, G. L. W., Characteristics, interactions and coating adherence of heterogeneous polymer/drug coatings for biomedical devices, Materials Science and Engineering C, 59, (2016)

  5. D. McCloskey, D. Fox, N. O’Hara, V. Usov, D. Scanlan, N. McEvoy, G.S.  Duesberg, G.L.W. Cross, H.Z. Zhang, and J. F. Donegan. Helium Ion Microscope Generated Nitrogen-Vacancy Centres in Type Ib Diamond., Applied Physics Letters, 104, 031109 (2014).

  6. G. L. W. Cross, Isolation leads to change, Nature Nanotechnology, 6, 467 (2011)

  7. W. McKenzie, W., J. B. Pethica, G. L. W. Cross, A direct-write resistless hard mask for rapid nanoscale patterning of diamond, Diamond and Related Materials, 20, 707 (2011).

  8. Rowland, H. D., W. P. King, J. B. Pethica, and G. L. W. Cross, Molecular Confinement Accelerates Deformation of Entangled Polymers During Squeeze Flow, Science, 322, 720-724, (2008).

  9. G. L. W. Cross, A. Schirmeisen, P. Grütter, U. Dürig, Plasticity, Healing, and Shakedown in Sharp Asperity Nanoindentation, Nature Materials, 5 370-376 (2006).

  10. G. L. W. Cross, B. S. O’Connell, and John B. Pethica, The Role of Elastic Strains in Glassy Polymer Nanoimprint, Applied Physics Letters, 86 081902 (2005).

Other important outputs

  1. Razeeb, K. M., Dalton, E., Cross, G. L. W. & Robinson, A. J. Present and future thermal interface materials for electronic devices. International Materials Reviews, 1-21, (2017).

  2. Saurav Goel, Andrii Kovalchenko, Alexander Stukowski, Graham L. W. Cross, Influence of microstructure on the cutting behaviour of silicon, Acta Materialia, 105, (2016).

  3. S Varagnolo, N Basu, D Ferraro, T Tóth, M Pierno, G Mistura, G Fois, B Tripathi, O Brazil, GLW Cross, Effect of hair morphology and elastic stiffness on the wetting properties of hairy surfaces, Microelectronic Engineering, 161, (2016).

  4. N. Basu, G. L. W. Cross, Controlling droplet-based deposition uniformity of long silver nanowires by micrometer scale substrate patterning, Nanotechnology, 48, (2015).

  5. Peter Gleeson, Kevin Lin, Alexis Potie, Chytra Pawashe, Johann P de Silva, Graham LW Cross, John J Boland, The effect of device fabrication on quasi-static elastic behaviour of silicon nanocantilever arrays, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 25, (2015).

  6. Kevin L Lin, Graham LW Cross, Peter Gleeson, Johann P de Silva, Alejandro Levander, Jorge A Munoz, Chytra Pawashe, Alexis Potie, Patrick Theofanis, John J Boland, Kelin J Kuhn, Adhesion Limits and Design Criteria for Nanorelays, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 63 (2015).

  7. Azeem, A., English, A., Kumar, P., Satyam, A., Biggs, M., Jones, E., Tripathi, B., Basu, N., Henkel, J., Vaquette, C., Rooney, N., Riley, G., O'Riordan, A., Cross, G. L. W., Ivanovski, S., Hutmacher, D., Pandit, A., Zeugolis, D.I. The influence of anisotropic nano- to micro- topography on in vitro and in vivo osteogenesis. Nanomedicine (Future in Medicine). Impact Factor 2013: 5.26. (2015).

  8. English A., Azeem A., Spanoudes K., Jones E, Tripathi B, Basu N, McNamara K, Tofail SA, Rooney N, Riley G, O'Riordan A, Cross G. L. W., Hutmacher D, Biggs M, Pandit A, Zeugolis DI. Substrate topography: A valuable in vitro tool, but a clinical red herring for in vivo tenogenesis, Acta Biomateriala. 27:3-12. (2015).

  9. McManamon, Colm; de Silva, Johann; Power, John; Ramirez-Garcia, Sonia; Morris, Michael; Cross, Graham, Interfacial characteristics and examination of cohesive and adhesive strength of plasma coated hydroxyapatite via nanoindentation and microscratch techniques, Langmuir, 30, 11412-20 (2014).

  10. Pegah Hassanzadeh,Wei Sun, Johann de Silva, Jungho Jin, Kamil Makhnejia, Graham L. W. Cross,  and Marco Rolandi, Mechanical Properties of Self-Assembled Chitin Nanofiber Networks, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2, 2461-2466 (2014).

  11. Zhi-Min Liao,  Han-Chun Wu,  Shishir Kumar, Georg S. Duesberg, Graham L. W. Cross,  I. V. Shvets, and Da-Peng Yu,  Giant Magnetoresistance in Graphene Stacks with Current Perpendicular to Plane Geometry , Advanced Materials, 24, 1862 (2012).

  12. Bolger, C. T.,  Fois, G., Petkov, N., Sassiat, N., Burke, M., Quinn, A. J., Cross, G. L. W., and Holmes, J. D., Mechanical Constraint and Release Generates Long, Ordered Horizontal Pores in Anodic Alumina Templates, Nanotechnology, 23, 175602 (2012).

  13. Tripathi, S. K., Scanlan, D., O’Hara, N., Nadzeyka, A., Bauerdick, S., Peto, L., Cross, G. L. W., Resolution,  masking  capability  and  throughput  for  direct-write,  ion implant mask patterning of diamond surfaces using Ion Beam Lithography, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 22, 055005 (2012).

  14. Z. Liao, H.-C. Wu, J.J. Wang, G. L. W. Cross, S. Kumar, I. V. Shvets, G. S. Duesberg, Magnetoresistance of Fe3O4-graphene-Fe3O4 junctions, Applied Physics Letters, 98, 052511 (2011).

  15. Bie, Y. Q., Zhou, Y. B., Liao, Z. M., Yan, K., Liu, S., Zhao, Q., Kumar, S., Wu, H. C., Duesberg, G. S., Cross, G. L. W., Xu, J., Peng, H. L., Liu, Z. F. and Yu, D. P. Site-Specific Transfer-Printing of Individual Graphene Microscale Patterns to Arbitrary Surfaces. Advanced Materials 23, 3938-+, doi:DOI 10.1002/adma.201102122 (2011).

  16. He, Li; Liao, Zhimin; Wu, Han-Chun; Tian, Xiao-Xue; Xu, Dongsheng; Cross, G. L. W.; Duesberg, Georg; Shvets, Igor; Yu, Dapeng, , Memory and Threshold Resistance Switching in Ni/NiO Core-shell Nanowires, Nano Letters, 11, 4601 (2011)

  17. G. Fois, C. Bolger, J. Holmes, G. L. W. Cross, Proximal oxidation as a director of self organization, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21, 8772 (2011).

  18. J. Annett, Y. Gao, G. L. W. Cross, E.G. Herbert, B. N. Lucas, Mesoscale friction anisotropy revealed by slidingless tests, Journal of Materials Research, 26, 2373, (2011).

  19. Rowland, H. D., G. L. W. Cross, B. S. O’Connell, J. B. Pethica, and W. P. King, Measuring Glassy and Viscoelastic Polymer Flow in Molecular-Scale Gaps using a Flat Punch Mechanical Probe, ACS Nano, 2:3, 419-428, (2008).

  20. Cross, G. L. W., O’Connell, B. S., Pethica, J. B., Rowland, H. D. and King, W. P. Variable Temperature Thin Film Indentation with a Flat Punch. Review of Scientific Instruments 79, 013904 (2008).

  21. Rowland, H. D., King, W. P., Sun, A. C., Schunk, P. R. and Cross, G. L. W. Predicting polymer flow during high-temperature atomic force microscope nanoindentation. Macromolecules 40, 8096-8103, doi:Doi 10.1021/Ma0704358 (2007).

  22. G. L. W. Cross, B. S. O’Connell, H. O. Ozer, and J. B. Pethica, Room Temperature Mechanical Thinning and Imprinting of Solid Films, Nano Letters 7 357-362 (2007).

  23. G. L. W. Cross, The production of nanostructures by mechanical forming, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 39 R363-R386 (2006).   

  24. G. L. W. Cross, B. S. O’Connell, and John B. Pethica, The Role of Elastic Strains in Glassy Polymer Nanoimprint, Applied Physics Letters, 86 081902 (2005).

  25. Vettiger, P., Cross, G., Despont, M., Drechsler, U., Dürig, U., Gotsmann, B., Haberle, W., Lantz, M. A., Rothuizen, H. E., Stutz, R. and Binnig, G. K. The "millipede" - Nanotechnology entering data storage. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 1, 39-55 (2002).

  26. King, W. P., Kenny, T. W., Goodson, K. E., Cross, G. L. W., Despont, M., Durig, U. T., Rothuizen, H., Binnig, G. and Vettiger, P. Design of atomic force microscope cantilevers for combined thermomechanical writing and thermal reading in array operation. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 11, 765-774 (2002).

  27. W.P. King, T.W. Kenny, K.E. Goodson, G. L. W. Cross, M. Despont, U. Dürig, H. Rothuizen, G.K. Binnig, P. Vettiger, Atomic Force Microscopy Cantilevers for combined Thermomechanical Data Writing and Reading, Applied Physics Letters, 78 1300-1302 (2001).                  

  28. Schirmeisen, A., Cross, G. L. W., Stalder, A., Grütter, P. and Dürig, U. Metallic adhesion forces and tunneling between atomically defined tip and sample. Applied Surface Science 157, 274-279 (2000).

  29. Schirmeisen, A., Cross, G. L. W., Stalder, A., Grütter, P. and Dürig, U. Metallic adhesion and tunnelling at the atomic scale. New Journal of Physics 2, 291-2910 (2000).

  30. Dürig, U., Cross, G., Despont, M., Drechsler, U., Haberle, W., Lutwyche, M. I., Rothuizen, H., Stutz, R., Widmer, R., Vettiger, P., Binnig, G. K., King, W. P. and Goodson, K. E. "Millipede" - an AFM data storage system at the frontier of nanotribology. Tribology Letters 9, 25-32 (2000).

  31. G. L. W. Cross, A. Schirmeisen, A. Stalder, P. Grütter, M. Tschudy, U. Dürig, Adhesion Interaction between Atomically Defined Tip and Sample, Physical Review Letters, 80 4685-4688 (1998).

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